Hello Devoteas
I was called away suddenly - not the spirits - more random than that - it was a CELEBRITY.
I'm back at Old Aunties - stirring troops and summoning dead commissioners - when a tall Scottish hunk began wittering on...
"oh i'm looking for a printer, where's my printer... I need a printer"
While eyeing up my equipment I thought - I KNOW YOU - YOU'RE A CELEBRITY.
I should be a detective - as like Sherlock Holmes I deduced:
1) I recognise Him
2) He can't be friend or family because I don't know any black haired Scottish men
3) My luck was in
So coming to his rescue - I helped this whitterer - glowing with English rose radiance and the residue of a particularly pumping gym session.
He said "Thankyou - you're very kind"
I agreed, he's observant even if printer retarded.
I pressed the buttons for 2 copies and put the paper into the machine (yes he'd fecked that up - trying to shove the paper into the air cooler!)
Genetically speaking - he's attractive, tall, fit. He's a celebrity so 'Talented' smart and 'Show' Business savvy. But he's also cack handed and dufus-like.... Breeding potential - ummm - Scottish men are well known around my end - to be generous if hesitant lovers... hey i'le give him a shot.
Father of my first born - may allow that.
I'le keep you posted...
...he's probably irritating the tits off his wife - i'm not that much of a feminist to come to her rescue and take him off her hands - and if she's a Scottisher she probably thrives and swells on adversity and suffering.
Rascist Rant over - that's why my last blog was cut short.
Another Ibiza ditty that shot out of me was a future warning to a tight clothed actress who presented herself on her knees...
CSI Animal
Got a call from my Agent
Got a call
Got a call
He said 'Little Princess'
You're going to the ball
I've got you Animal Rescue
A Feature that will place:
CSI Animal
Insert - Titled with your face
CSI Animal?
I questioned
'What is that?'
"CSI Animal Crimes against...?
Cat, Bat or Rat"
Come Monday Morning
Wardrobe dressed me up
Tight; jeans, Vest Shirt, Lacquered hair
Black Boots worn 4 stirrups
I looked NY chic
LA Glam
I'm a Hollywood Dream Babe
Ready for HD Cam
First shows
Were simple shows
Abattoir and Battersea Dogs Home
Reasons for Deaths - so clear
Even without DNA smear
3rd case was mighty tricky
on A45 to Penge
Hedgehog suspiciously flattened
His death - my duty to avenge.
Rule of thumb when CSI'ing
Hold off assumptions to the end
First impressions can be false
This is no Pretend
On my knees I dusted for prints,
On my back I scoured for motive
On my feet I UV'ed for Blood/Semen
With one of these - I did succeed
Trajectory of Blood Splayed
out from end to end
1.7m diameter
once again - I don't pretend
I photoed every angle
Photos of my looking great
Photos of my mate Johnny
Ooops wrong step I make
I stepped back onto flat Hedgehog
The Director and Producer saw
They’re both animal lovers
Sensitive issue – too raw
They let me finish the ep
Demo’ed how Hog was hoe’ed
Slow-Mo recreation
Using plasticine hog and road
My pretty scaled blood spat image
My pretty butt in tight jeans
My pretty NY chic stirrups boots
No dent – They told me ‘Just Leave’
Thursday, 22 January 2009
Cut off in my Prime
Posted by
Miss Orla