Thursday 16 October 2008

BBC Employment - 'yes' - it's that good.

Miss Orla... you've surprised yourself! A rare feat for a Psychic!

Acquiring a 1 month BBC contract - commissioned by BBC Executives to channel 'others' to inspire and teach.... them.. well - i'm godsmacked.

TVC (Television Centre) is a maze of 1970's inspired grey/brownness. None of your 80/90/Noughties attempt at slick/glamour. Yet it exudes glamour, entertainment, quality beliefs.

I'm hidden on the 3rd floor - in the Entertaiment corridor. Ok toilet/kitchen is the same thing and water/damp stains decorate the walls, floor and ceiling - holey building trinity... But i'm soaking up atmosphere - excitment- the past dreams and successes of so many people/souls - aiming to teach and entertain and inspire the masses - regardless of war, recession, life stuff...

Now i'm part of it/them... well i've always been, in this and my 'other' lives.

The commune of the place - everyone milling around, together - talent/workers/techies/suits.

I'm one of them - I aim to straddle them all,

Must dash - Singing Pyschics are anathenema to R&R (acronyms are law here)