Thursday, 7 October 2010

Love Music

Woman in thirties walks into a small independent music store. The shop is full of Vinyl and CD’s.

The Owner is a smooth talking city type, a budding Richard Branson.

Owner: Can I help you Miss?

Customer: I’ve just got into a relationship & I want music to match my mood, you know?

Knowingly the Owner nods.

Owner:Lemar Love

Owner picks up the CD Lemar Love. Picture of X Factor winner covers the CD.

Customer:What Tracks?

Owner:The Classic, [Sung] “You making me Feel Good”


Owner: George Michael? [Sung] “Come unto me”

Customer nods No

Owner: Elton Johns new album – the track [Sung] “You wear my lions mane, ile wear you”

Customer: No! We’re in a Romantic mood..

Owner (Eager to please and sell) Barry White, Love Walrus…

Customer: Used him with my ex…put me off, and I want it to be real this time…

Owner; Susan Boyle’s just released an album.. she’s fresh to romance. She wrote this album after she began dating her first boyfriend.

Owner picks up Susan Boyle's album as if it's something dirty and revolting. Owner reads the track names.

Owner:First Track is called “Is that it?”, 2nd Track “I’d rather Titchmarsh”, 3rd “My body stings, you sure we did it right?”

Customer:Perfect – I’le buy it!